Lessons In Life And love
Sunday, February 8, 2009
It's Okay To Cry

I guess one of the biggest life lessons that I have learned is that crying does not equal weakness, but instead each tear I shed is a word that is too great for my heart to express. It's an extremely cleansing process that allows me to release without the fear of judgment from anyone. Recently, when I was in an especially bad place and I could not stop the tears from flowing, no matter how hard I tried, I began to write. And while I was in the midst of the pain. My thoughts are inhibited and pure emotion and this is what flowed from my soul:

Drowning in my own tears
Trapped in my own mind
Unable to heal
Unable to escape the pain
I feel myself suffocating
Until finally
I succumb to it

I see that familiar abyss
It feels like home
Welcoming and warm
I feel myself slipping
I know I shouldn't
But this pain is my master
And I it's willing servant

This was a difficult lesson to learn because for so long I thought that crying was just wallowing in my situation. Nothing could be solved by shedding a tear, right??? Well I was dead wrong, because what I finally learned was that through the pain and the tears, there is a breakthrough. By acknowledging how I truly feel in the depth of my soul, I am able to conquer that pain and learn from it.

(Instrumental) Song Cry - Jay-Z

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Slid down the rainbow at 3:03 PM 0 comments
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True love endures forever. It may be cast aside for a fleeting moment, or possibly masked in hurt, anger and sometimes guilt... but if you've truly loved someone, you always will. One look into her eyes or the sensation of her gentle touch and you know within her and between the two of you is where all happiness lies.

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